Please read these terms of use carefully. By accessing our site or using our services, you acknowledge that you understand, agree, and are bound by these terms.
Payments & Taxes
Payment is required in full with all orders. Your credit/debit card will be debited on acceptance of your order to ensure that sufficient funds/credit are/is available in the account.
All credit/debit cards are subject to validation checks and authorisation by the card issuer. If the issuer of your card refuses to authorise payment, we will not be liable for any delay or non-delivery. All prices are inclusive of GST.
Delivery Format
When working on your drafts, files will be provided in PDF and Microsoft Word formats. We will however, undertake to assist as where possible to provide alternative, suitable formats if we are able to do so.
Turnaround Times
Our standard turnaround time is three to five business days from the day of your consultation. If you are unavailable, this may lead to a delay in delivering your first drafts. Revisions are completed within two business days of your requesting them. We cannot be held responsible for missed application deadlines, and recommend engaging our services a MINIMUM of 7 business days before application deadlines. This is to ensure your documents reflect perfectly with your own skills and experience and are tailored toward the position you are applying for.
Got the Job Resumes provide professional writing services, however IT DOES NOT GUARANTEE SUCCESSFUL EMPLOYMENT. There is no trial or cooling off period after purchasing a resume writing service. A considerable amount of time and effort goes into critiquing, researching, drafting, writing and proofreading your new documents. It is our time that you are purchasing rather than a tangible product. As resume writing is a bespoke and tailored service, we are unable to offer refunds. Like any bespoke writing service, you should expect multiple drafts and revisions before a finished product is available.
Resume Length
Packages containing resumes are limited to a maximum of three pages. For the majority of professions, a resume should not exceed three pages irrespective of the amount of work experience. It is advisable to keep the document to this as an absolute maximum. If you require a longer resume, called an academic CV (usually utilised for lawyers, medical practitioners, etc.) and you will be required to pay an additional fee.
To ensure the best product is created for you phone consultations are scheduled with you at specific times to ensure all components of the work required is established, and both parties agree with the scope of what is required. Consultations are usually around 30 minutes, depending on how much information you provide within your existing resume.
Website Use
You warrant that you will use our web sites only in accordance with these Terms & Conditions and only for lawful purposes and in a lawful manner.
You warrant that all information which you provide to us is true, accurate, current and complete in all respects and that you will notify us immediately of any changes to such information.
Our web site is provided to you on an 'as available' basis without any warranty being given in relation to the web site including implied warranties of non-infringement, compatibility, security, accuracy or any implied warranty arising from course of dealing or usage or trade.
We make no warranty that the website will meet your requirements or will be uninterrupted, timely, or error-free, that defects will be corrected or that the site or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs.
We will not be responsible or liable to you for any loss of material uploaded or transmitted through our web sites.
All emails and any attachments are confidential..
Internet communications are not secure and may be intercepted.
All emails are checked for all known viruses by McAfee Total Protection software.
Intellectual Property
You acknowledge and agree that all copyright, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights in all material on our web sites, site design, structure and graphics and all software and source codes connected with our web sites shall remain at all times vested in us or our licensors.
Modification of Terms
At our discretion, Got the Job Resumes may edit, add, or remove parts of this agreement. If we do make changes to these Terms of Use, we will make a reasonable effort to provide notice.
Prohibited Conduct
You are solely responsible for your conduct while on our site, and agree to abide by all laws, contracts, intellectual property and third-party rights.